Monday, October 13, 2008

Ahhh....The Sweet Life Of A Snowm@n

Been A Few Days Since I posted something so here it is. Got a lot of stuff to do this my life, LOL. Going to Georgetown this weekend with my Ecology class to survey and study phytoplankton, :)...Should be fun. Have exams next week and the following week so that wont be too much fun...but luckily ill be done prior to Halloween so I can go live it up this year...if I get invited to a party of course, LOL. Sent in an application to join the Slip n' Slide Records and be a representative so thats the highlight of my day, YAY!!! Well Thats it for now, thanks for checking in with me. Keeps it frosty...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Halloween Cont.

I could be Justin Timberlake also...wouldnt take much to make that costume up....basically put on a suit and fedora, lol. I dont know yet, some INPUT maybe???


Finally got my Halloween mask figured out, hope i get invited to a party this year...or one of my friends lets me know of one, wink* wink*. LOL...I am going to be the Mask from...The Mask, HEHEHE...took me forever to figure out how I was going to do the face part of the costume but finally figured it out, ;)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Had a great day today; spent most of it with Ashleigh which was relieving on my end. I still think I made a huge mistake but I have to live with it and move on. The feelings I still have for her are there and are begging for her back....but as of now that isnt possible. Should of never left, a regret that will haunt me for a very long time, :(

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Mistakes

What Did I Do? What Was I Thinking?
Bigger Disaster Then The Titanic Sinking
I Made A Wrong Turn; A Turn For The Worse
Now Im Feeling The Effects, Brought On A Curse
I Miss The Things I Had But I Let Them Away
I Made A Mistake And Thats The Price To Pay
Wish I Could Go Back In Time And Reverse What Is Done
So I Can Be Happy Again Cuz Ive Been Dead and Gone
I Havent Smiled or Been Happy In Quite Some Time
I Want To Know What To Do Next, Please Give Me A Sign
Regret Isnt Strong Enough Word For What I Been Through
And I Screwed Up, I Know...Its What Us Males Do
As For The Next Chapter I Have No Idea Where Ill Be
Just Right Now Its Terrible, a Terrible Sight To See.......

Hey Yall!!!

Finally Created One Of These Things...Took Me A While But Its Here Now, :). Just Got Home From Wild Wings!!! Oh Yeah, Tons Of Fun, Finally Relieved Some Stress....Its Been Building Up Lately From School. Hate That Place! Well Feel Free To Subscribe To My Blog, Ill Be Posting Things As Fast As They Come To Mind. Thanks Yall, Hollas....